Friday, July 30, 2010

Searching for Answers

I've made great strides in learning the architecture of the Android platform, and the applications that it runs.  Even so, creating a game for Android is much less documented.  I thought I'd post some links of other blogs and tutorials that have led me thus far.  Despite being inspired by their ideas, designs, and code, I maintain that I have only created my own, unique code and architecture.  The following proved very useful:

Insanity Design for Android ports of OpenGL to OpenGL ES:

Nehe for OpenGL tutorials: for fullscreen info:

Androgames blog for accelerometer sensor management:

Robert Green for details on 3-D android engine building:

Enfis for alternate OpenGL implementation:

I have read many sources indicating that the best way to develop a 3D game includes using multiple sets of threads, writing native code (in C), or using some other game engine (re-inventing the wheel is always frowned upon.  I usually respond that the wheel doesn't fit my car, the wheel is square, or that Firestone tires needed some reinventing).  My goal for this game (3D at that) is to build an efficient, simple, fully 3D game built using only the Android and OpenGL ES APIs supported by Android.